We found out at the end of November that I was pregnant :) I have to laugh as I took three tests before I actually believed it myself. To share the news with Justin, I ordered a cake from our local bakery. We celebrated the exciting news on Tuesday November 27th :)
Friday December 14th we shared the news with my family. I signed the cards for Torey and my mom from Hudson with Love, Hudson & Baby. Of course my mom waited for Torey to open his card first, he read it, looked at me, then started laughing. So then he read it out loud and my mom looked at me, "You're pregnant?" They were all excited about it.
To share the news with Justin's family we had them over on Sunday December 23rd to celebrate our Christmas together. We put Hudson in his "Best Big Bro" shirt and waited to see how long it took them to notice. After awhile we finally had to tell his mom to read the shirt :)
Monday January 7th, 2013 was my first OB appointment. Justin & Hudson came along and we were able to see baby #2 on the ultrasound, measuring at 10 weeks 2 days :) Baby was kicking his/her legs and moving his/her arms. Yes I did get an exact due date but we are just telling everyone the beginning of August ;)
We will be finding out the gender of this one as I need to plan accordingly (Type A personality) :) Justin thinks it's a girl as I have been having nausea all day, every day since the beginning of December. I have had no food cravings, most of the time I don't want to eat anything, I just have to make myself. I also started showing at 10 weeks!!!
Proud big brother :)