Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hudson's BIG announcement!

We found out at the end of November that I was pregnant :)  I have to laugh as I took three tests before I actually believed it myself.  To share the news with Justin, I ordered a cake from our local bakery.  We celebrated the exciting news on Tuesday November 27th :)

Friday December 14th we shared the news with my family.  I signed the cards for Torey and my mom from Hudson with Love, Hudson & Baby.  Of course my mom waited for Torey to open his card first, he read it, looked at me, then started laughing.  So then he read it out loud and my mom looked at me, "You're pregnant?"  They were all excited about it.

To share the news with Justin's family we had them over on Sunday December 23rd to celebrate our Christmas together.  We put Hudson in his "Best Big Bro" shirt and waited to see how long it took them to notice.  After awhile we finally had to tell his mom to read the shirt :)

Monday January 7th, 2013 was my first OB appointment.  Justin & Hudson came along and we were able to see baby #2 on the ultrasound, measuring at 10 weeks 2 days :)  Baby was kicking his/her legs and moving his/her arms.  Yes I did get an exact due date but we are just telling everyone the beginning of August ;)

We will be finding out the gender of this one as I need to plan accordingly (Type A personality) :)  Justin thinks it's a girl as I have been having nausea all day, every day since the beginning of December.  I have had no food cravings, most of the time I don't want to eat anything, I just have to make myself.  I also started showing at 10 weeks!!! 

Hopefully we will know whether Hudson is going to have a little brother or sister on March 7, 2013, so make your guesses now!

Proud big brother :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Children's museum playdate

Friday Hudson & I met up with Lorrie & Ethan for a playdate at the Children's Museum.  It was fairly busy but that didn't stop the boys from having fun :)  I tried to get a couple pictures of them but those two would not stop moving......

Checking out the Dora & Diego exhibit (sorry a bit blurry, he was on the move!)

Making eggs for mama :)

Building with blocks

Our favorite area, the water stations :)

Such a fun morning we had!  Looking forward to another trip hopefully next month :)

Playdate with Papa!

My dad has every other Friday off of work, so Friday January 18th Hudson & I picked Papa up and headed over to the MN Zoo!  I am glad we go there early as we were able to see all of the indoor exhibits before the school groups arrived.

First stop was the Monkey's but since it was a little cold, there were none to be seen outside :(  So we moved on to the penguins where of course my child notices the one penguin that goes #2 and he needs to shout it to me across the exhibit.....  Since we were still bundled up from outside, we decided to check out the MN trail where we were able to see the otters, wolverines, puma, and bald eagle.

After that we headed to the tropics trail to warm up a bit :)

From there we made our way over to Discovery bay to check out the fish.  Hudson's favorite is always the tide pool and waiting for the waves to come in :)  This boy could stand here for hours.

Since it was a bit frigid that day, we were not to keen on walking outside to see the animals so we took the easy way out and went on a monorail ride.  This was Hudson's first time on the "choo choo"

By the time we got done it was about 11AM and baby boy was ready for some lunch.  Instead of eating at the Zoo, we headed over to Panino Brothers in Apple Valley as Papa had never been there before.