January 29th Mila turned 6 months!!! I can't believe how fast it has gone.....
At her 6 month well child visit she was 13 pounds and 62 cm. She is definitely a little peanut :) New things this month....
1. She is sitting by herself
2. Rolling from back to stomach and stomach to back
3. She loves to eat! Initially we started with brown rice cereal, however, she had a reaction to this. She has tried avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, apples, pears, and prunes. However, just recently she was diagnosed with FPIES, so now we are back to eating only squash and sweet potatoes. More about this later.
4. Sleep....... she does not nap nor sleep the best. During the day she usually cat naps though at daycare she will take longer naps on occasion. Nights are pretty variable. A good night is her waking only two to three times.