Mila needs tubes...... With Hudson, he had his first set of tubes placed at 14 months. His first ear infection was at about 8 months and after that he continued to have them repeatedly. Once his tubes were in, he was a whole different child! His first set of tubes lasted almost a year but once the left tube fell out, he started getting infections again along with decreased hearing. He then had his second set of tubes plus his adenoids removed at 2 years. Since that set has fallen out, he has only had one ear infection!!!
With Mila I knew things were not looking good when she had her first ear infection at 4 months! In 5 months time she has now had 7 ear infections....... We finally saw ENT on Tuesday May 20th. She had a hearing test that morning which did show some decreased hearing due to fluid in the ears. Sure enough, once we saw the MD he recommended tube placement due to her multiple ear infections and decreased hearing. Luckily this time around we were able to schedule surgery on Friday June 6th vs. waiting 3 months like we had to with Hudson!
So here we go again..... Surgery is Friday morning. Hoping for a quick procedure and a smooth recovery for Miss Mila Grace!
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