Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sibling Love!

It melts my heart to see how much Hudson and Mila love each other.  He can always make her laugh or smile and she loves to watch what big brother is doing. 

 Playing with the iPad

 Hudson did not want his picture taken :)

Feeding sister her bottle

So excited to watch their relationship grow as they both get older.  I am sure they will have their moments but right now they both do so well with each other :)  Love these two, they melt my heart <3

6 months already!

January 29th Mila turned 6 months!!!  I can't believe how fast it has gone.....

At her 6 month well child visit she was 13 pounds and 62 cm.  She is definitely a little peanut :)  New things this month....

1.  She is sitting by herself

2.  Rolling from back to stomach and stomach to back

3.  She loves to eat!  Initially we started with brown rice cereal, however, she had a reaction to this.  She has tried avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, apples, pears, and prunes.  However, just recently she was diagnosed with FPIES, so now we are back to eating only squash and sweet potatoes.  More about this later.

4.  Sleep.......  she does not nap nor sleep the best.  During the day she usually cat naps though at daycare she will take longer naps on occasion.  Nights are pretty variable.  A good night is her waking only two to three times.

Christmas Celebration

This year was definitely my favorite year for Christmas thus far. It was so much fun seeing how excited Hudson was about Santa coming and telling us what he wanted for Christmas. Christmas morning he was of course up before Mila and was having a hard time waiting on opening his gifts. He moved all of his presents away from the tree and made a pile, he kept telling me "I'm just looking mom". Justin & I allowed him to open one present, the movie Planes. Yep we ended up watching it four times just that day and have seen it at least once a day since...... The little stinker then poked a hole in another present and slowly started ripping a piece away. Finally Mila woke up about 7:45 so it was time to open gifts :) Hudson was pretty good about opening a gift then helping Mila open a gift. I think he was excited about Mila's presents as he was about his own. This year Santa brought him the movie Planes & Toy Story, Hungry Hungry Hippos, and a LeapPad Ultra or as he calls it, his own iPad.  He also received his first pair of ice skates and a hockey helmet.  So far he is not too sure about them, but hopefully next year :)  Mila received some clothes, dolls, and some toys.

 Being difficult about getting his picture taken.....

Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sleepless nights......

I just realized that I am a little (okay a lot) behind on the blogging. I need to catch up from Christmas to our recent Florida vacation, oops! Life has been a little busy at our house the last few months with lots of sleepless nights and early morning awakenings. Since the beginning of January, Mila has been battling all sorts of colds, ear infections, eye infections, or so we thought. Just recently we figured out that she has FPIES (food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome). Basically, her little digestive tract has a hard time processing food protein along with the milk and soy protein. Because of this, she has been having numerous issues with her GI tract as well as other symptoms of food sensitivities, being the ear irritation, eye irritation, skin irritation. Needless to say, this has caused her a lot of difficulty when it comes to sleep. We have had many nights of her being up numerous times or up for an hour or two in the middle of the night with severe gas pains. Luckily since we found out about this recent diagnosis, she has been much more content during the day and sleeping a little better at night. The next couple months will be a challenge as we won't really know what foods she can or can't eat without trying them. I do know that at this time we need to continue to avoid dairy, soy, and milk protein until she is at least one (possibly longer). We now also have to avoid all grains, legumes, certain meats (chicken & turkey), and have discovered she can not have cinnamon or carrots. Each new food will need to be introduced for one to two weeks to see if she has a reaction. So far we have been mainly eating sweet potatoes and squash but will be starting with new foods next week. Hopefully she will outgrow this by the time she is one though some kids continue to have issues until they are 3-4...... Now that we finally figured out what is going on, my goal will be to catch up on this blog as I have many pictures I need to post from the last few months!