Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I was so excited about Halloween this year as Hudson had such a blast trick or treating last year.  We started talking about costumes in early September and he wanted to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.  I was hoping to find a costume at the annual kids sale as I have in year's past.  Unfortunately there were no TMNT costumes but I did find a Buzz Lightyear Costume he was really excited about.  As for Mila, we were able to borrow a little owl costume from our good friends.

Friday morning we put on our Halloween outfits with our costumes packed for daycare.  I took a few quick pictures on my phone, figuring I would be able to get some better shots on the camera later.

Off to daycare they went with their costumes in tow.  I picked them up after work and was excited to hear about their day.  Come to find out neither kid wanted to wear their costume for the Halloween party......

We then headed up to my parent's place with plans to head to the MN Zoo at 5 for trick or treating, followed by pizza for dinner before hitting the neighborhood for more trick or treating.

Well Hudson decided he didn't want to go trick or treating and he would wear his Buzz costume when he is 5......  As for Mila, every time she saw her costume she started crying.

Hoping next year we are a little more successful in celebrating Halloween :)