Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Weekend walks

With the weather starting to get colder in MN (thankfully not as cold as it is supposed to be), Hudson and I have been heading over to the Mall Of America on the weekends before it opens to get a little exercise in.  We have been joined by Tonia, Jill & baby Madelyn or Katie a few times, which it is always fun to catch up with them over some coffee :)  Plus Hudson goes with Nana on Monday's when she watches him.

We usually start with a trip to Caribou for some coffee and lemon poppyseed bread.  From there we head over to the fountain by Nordstrom's to throw in some pennies and make some wishes :)
My goal is to usually walk around the mall 4 to 5 times before Hudson decides he wants to get out of his stroller.  As long as I keep moving and am walking at a decent pace, he is content.  Plus he knows that after our walk is complete, we get to go on a few rides at Nick Universe :)

So far he has been on the Carousel (which makes me a little dizzy.....)

We have also tried Blue's Clues, he enjoyed the going up and down part.

His two favorite rides are definitely the trucks, specifically the "big blue truck" and the choo-choo.  Which both of these rides I can handle without getting motion sickness :)

I am sure we will continue to do this through the winter months, just to get out of the house and get a little exercise in.

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