Wednesday, September 4, 2013

One month already!

I can't believe that baby girl is already a month old!  It is fun watching her change and grow.  She is awake more often during the day now and is constantly looking around at the world to see.  She loves to stare at her brother and most of the time when she is upset he is able to calm her with his voice :)

A little about baby girl.....

Sleep schedule:  She is waking up about 2-3 times during the night.  She usually sleeps anywhere from 4-6 hours that first bout which is perfect for me.  Some may think that is a lot but Hudson would wake up about every 2 hours so this has been great for Justin & I.

Daytime:  She usually has one or two bouts of being awake for a couple hours and then will nap for a good 2 to 3 hours at a time.

She loves the Moby Wrap!  If she is really fussy, I can put her in there and within 5 minutes she is asleep and will usually stay asleep for 2 hours.  It is great especially during Hudson's nap or dinnertime, leaving me hands free.

Eating:  We believe that she has a dairy sensitivity.  The first couple weeks she would have these bouts of crying from gas pains and nothing could calm her.  After much research on the internet and in comparing her symptoms, I cut dairy & soy from my diet and within a few days we saw a definite improvement.  It has been a definite adjustment trying to change my diet but we are getting by.  The hardest part has been cutting out my caribou drinks :(

This weekend will be our first road trip with her and then in two weeks her first flight.  Hopefully she is a little trooper :)

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